Geography Tuition By Singapore's Most Qualified Tutors
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Whether you are in the high-ability class, or need to improve from any of your current grades, we have expert Geography tuition teachers who can quickly identify your challenges and help boost your grades
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Select from over 52,000 private tutors who have between 2 to 30 years of successful tuition experience. Clear explanations, valuable exam techniques.
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- Eliminate dependence on “model answers” (exam markers know that these answers do not answer the questions adequately)
- Stick to the topic and answer the question directly
- Take detailed steps to arrive at the correct answers
Within 12 (usually 6) hours, we will show you between 4 to 10 profiles of tutors that match your criteria
Whether you are in the high-ability class, or need to improve from any of your current grades, we have expert home tutors who can quickly identify your challenges.
Learn from our reliable and accomplished private tuition teachers how you can correctly answer the tricky application questions, accurately read what the exam question requires you to do, and meticulously check your answers.

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Profiles Of Featured Geography Tuition Teachers
Ms SH has 3 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a PhD in Geography from Cornell University and a Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS (2nd Upper Class Honours). Ms SH’s tuition students attended St. Margaret’s Secondary School, Victoria School (Integrated Programme), Tanjong Katong Girls’ School, St. Andrew’s Junior College, Dunman High School, and Anglo-Chinese Junior College.
Mr HN has 9 years of Geography tuition experience. He was a contract teacher at MOE schools for 5 years and is also a private tutor. Mr HN has a Bachelor’s from NTU, majoring in Geography (Microbial water quality in the tropics) – First Class Honours. His home tuition students attended Hong Kah Secondary School, Bedok View Secondary School, Catholic High School, Eunoia Junior College, Temasek Junior College, and St. Andrew’s Junior College.
Ms RT has 7 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s from NTU, majoring in Geography. Ms RT taught at tuition centres for 4 years and is also a private tutor. Ms RT’s home tuition students attended Jurong Secondary School, Ping Yi Secondary School, Raffles Institution, Hwa Chong Institution, Temasek Junior College, and Dunman High School.
Mr CF has 8 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Geography from NTU, and was a contract teacher at MOE schools for 2 years. His private tuition students attended Whitley Secondary School, Fuhua Secondary School, Montfort Secondary School, Nanyang Junior College, Victoria Junior College, and Tampines Meridian Junior College.
Ms AH has 5 years of Geography tutoring experience. She is NIE-trained, and taught at MOE schools for 9 years. She has a Bachelor’s in Geography (2nd Upper Class Honours) from NTU. Ms AH’s private tuition students attended Bedok Town Secondary School, Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School, Eunoia Junior College, Temasek Junior College, and Anglo-Chinese Junior College.
Mr AJC has 3 years of Geography tutoring experience. He has a Bachelor’s from NUS, majoring in Geography. He taught at a tuition centre for 1 year. His private tuition students attended Xinmin Secondary School, St. Hilda’s Secondary School, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Tampines Meridian Junior College, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, and Victoria Junior College.
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Profiles Of Featured Geography Tuition Teachers
Ms CRT has 12 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Master’s and a Bachelor’s (2nd Upper Class Honours) in Geography from NUS. Ms CRT was a contract teacher at MOE schools for 3 years and is also a private tutor. Her home tuition students attended Pioneer Secondary School, Catholic High School, Eastspring Secondary School, Hwa Chong Institution, Raffles Institution, and River Valley High School.
Ms BH has 7 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Geography from NTU (Honours). Ms BH taught at one of Singapore’s top tuition centres for 6 years and is also a private tutor. Her home tuition students attended Chua Chu Kang Secondary School, Maris Stella High School, Peicai Secondary School, Victoria Junior College, Nanyang Junior College, and Dunman High School.
Mr RM has 13 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s from NUS, majoring in Geography (Society and Culture). His private tuition students attended Raffles Institution, North Vista Secondary School, CHIJ Secondary (Toa Payoh), National Junior College, Yishun Innova Junior College, and Dunman High School.
Mr BL has 6 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a Master’s from the University of California, Berkeley in Geography (Global Ecology and Development) and a Bachelor’s from NUS in Geography (2nd Upper Class Honours). His home tuition students attended Westwood Secondary School, St. Joseph’s Institution, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Jurong Pioneer Junior College, Dunman High School, and St. Andrew’s Junior College.
Ms KHM has 2 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s from NTU, majoring in Geography (2nd Upper Class Honours). Her tuition students attended East View Secondary School, CHIJ St Joseph’s Convent, Nanyang Girls’ High School, National Junior College, Catholic Junior College, and River Valley High School.
Ms CG has 4 years of Geography tuition experience. She is NIE-trained and taught at an MOE school for 7 years. Ms CG has a Bachelor’s from NUS, majoring in Geography (Geographical Information Systems) – Honours. Her home tuition students attended Hai Seng Secondary School, Chung Cheng High School (Yishun), Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), National Junior College, Temasek Junior College, and Yishun Innova Junior College.
Mr SY has 8 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Geography from NTU. Mr SY taught at tuition centres for 6 years and is also a home tutor. His private tuition students attended Sembawang Secondary School, Westwood Secondary School, Singapore Chinese Girls’ School, Eunoia Junior College, Tampines Meridian Junior College, and Dunman High School.
Ms GT has 5 years of Geography tuition experience. She is NIE-trained and taught at MOE schools for 11 years. Ms GT taught at a tuition centre for 2 years and is also a private tutor. Her home tuition students attended East View Secondary School, Geylang Methodist School (Secondary), Anglican High School, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Nanyang Junior College, and River Valley High School.
Mr DH has 12 years of Geography tuition experience. He was a contract teacher at MOE schools for 4 years and is also a private tutor. Mr DH has a Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS. His home tuition students attended Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Greenview Secondary School, National Junior College (Integrated Programme), St. Andrew’s Junior College, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, and Anderson Serangoon Junior College.
Ms LP has 11 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Master’s and Bachelor’s in Geography from NTU. Ms LP taught at tuition centres for 6 years and is also a private tutor. Her home tuition students attended Yishun Secondary School, Temasek Junior College (Integrated Programme), St. Gabriel’s Secondary School, Catholic Junior College, Raffles Institution, and Tampines Meridian Junior College.
Ms HS has 7 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s from NTU, majoring in Geography (Environmental Earth System Science). Her private tuition students attended Maris Stella High School, Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary), Nan Hua High School, Catholic Junior College, Temasek Junior College, and Hwa Chong Institution.
Mr KG has 6 years of Geography tuition experience. He taught at two tuition centres for 4 years and is also a home tutor. Mr DF has a Master’s and a Bachelor’s in Geography from NTU. His private tuition students attended Bowen Secondary School, Changkat Changi Secondary School, Nanyang Girls’ High School, Catholic Junior College, River Valley High School, and Tampines Meridian Junior College.
Ms CTL has 11 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Master’s from Yale University, majoring in Geography (Urbanization, Global Change and Sustainability). Ms CTL has a Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS. Her private tuition students attended Anderson Secondary School, Broadrick Secondary School, Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Tampines Meridian Junior College, National Junior College, and Raffles Institution.
Ms RY has 7 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Geography from the University of British Columbia, and a Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS (First Class Honours). Her private tuition students attended Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Catholic High School, Maris Stella High School, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, River Valley High School, and Raffles Institution.
Mr KG has 13 years of Geography tuition experience. He was a contract teacher at MOE schools for 5 years and taught at tuition centres for 3 years. Mr KG has a Bachelor’s from NUS, majoring in Geography (Urban Studies) – First Class Honours. Mr KG’s private tuition students attended Pei Hwa Secondary School, Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary), St. Margaret’s Secondary School, Eunoia Junior College, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, and Nanyang Junior College.
Ms LW has 2 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS (First Class Honours). Her private tuition students attended Nanyang Girls’ High School, National Junior College (Integrated Programme), Juying Secondary School, Hwa Chong Institution, Temasek Junior College, and Jurong Pioneer Junior College.
Ms YN has 5 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s from NTU, majoring in Geography (Public Policy and Global Affairs) – 2nd Upper Class Honours. Her tuition students attended St. Patrick’s School, Ngee Ann Secondary School, CHIJ St Theresa’s Convent, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Nanyang Junior College, and St. Andrew’s Junior College.
Ms IK has 3 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s from NTU, majoring in Geography (Environmental Earth Systems) – First Class Honours. Her private tuition students attended Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary), Pasir Ris Secondary School, Boon Lay Secondary School, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Tampines Meridian Junior College, and Hwa Chong Institution.
Mr TMP has 8 years of Geography tuition experience. He is NIE-trained and had taught at MOE schools for 5 years. He has a Bachelor’s from NUS, majoring in Geography. Mr TMP’s private tuition students attended Dunearn Secondary School, Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Nan Hua High School, Nanyang Junior College, Dunman High School, and Anglo-Chinese Junior College.
Ms BY has 7 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Master’s in Geography from the University of Birmingham, and a Bachelor’s in Geography from NTU. Ms BY’s private tuition students attended Northbrooks Secondary School, Montfort Secondary School, Crescent Girls’ School, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, St. Andrew’s Junior College, and Dunman High School.
Mr SHR has 11 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a Master’s and Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS. His private tuition students attended Woodlands Ring Secondary School, Temasek Junior College (Integrated Programme), St. Joseph’s Institution, National Junior College, Yishun Innova Junior College, and Catholic Junior College.
Ms RYC has 4 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s in Geography from NTU. Ms RYC taught at a tuition centre for 2 years. Her home tuition students attended Bishan Park Secondary School, Deyi Secondary School, Hwa Chong Institution (Integrated Programme), Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, and Temasek Junior College.
Ms LT has 6 years of Geography tuition experience. She taught at two tuition centres for 4 years and is also a private tutor. Ms LT has a Bachelor’s in Geography (Honours) from NTU. Her home tuition students attended Pasir Ris Secondary School, Nanyang Girls’ High School, MacPherson Secondary School, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, St. Andrew’s Junior College, and River Valley High School.
Ms KJS has 9 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Master’s and Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS and was a contract teacher at MOE schools for 4 years. Ms KJS is the Head of Department for Humanities at a leading group of tuition centres. Ms KJS’s private tuition students attended Bukit View Secondary School, CHIJ St Joseph’s Convent, Maris Stella High School, Catholic Junior College, Jurong Junior College, and Saint Andrew’s Junior College.
Mr MP has 6 years of Geography tuition experience. He taught at a tuition centre for 2 years and is also a private tutor. Mr MP has a Bachelor’s from NUS, majoring in Geography (Structural Geology). His home tuition students attended Maris Stella High School, Crescent Girls’ School, Junyuan Secondary School, Eunoia Junior College, Temasek Junior College, and National Junior College.
Mr LRS has 5 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS (Honours). Mr LRS taught at a tuition centre for 2 years and is also a private tutor. His home tuition students attended Pei Hwa Secondary School, Naval Base Secondary School, Maris Stella High School, Catholic Junior College, Tampines Meridian Junior College, and Dunman High School.
Ms GC has 12 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a PhD from NUS in Geography (Environmental Processes). Her Bachelor’s in Geography was also from NUS. Ms GC’s home tuition students attended St. Andrew’s Secondary School, West Spring Secondary School, CHIJ St Theresa’s Convent, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, National Junior College, and Victoria Junior College.
Mr DK has 7 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Geography from the University of Toronto, and a Master’s in Geography from NUS. Mr DK was the Head of Geography at a tuition centre for 5 years, and is also a private tutor. His home tuition students attended Chong Boon Secondary School, Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary), Guangyang Secondary School, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, Tampines Meridian Junior College, and Raffles Institution.
Ms PT has 4 years of Geography tuition experience. She is NIE-trained and taught at an MOE school for 5 years. Ms PT has a Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS (Honours). Her private tuition students attended Marsiling Secondary School, Naval Base Secondary School, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Catholic Junior College, and Yishun Innova Junior College.
Mr JW has 8 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a PhD in Geography from the University of Bristol. His Bachelor’s in Geography was from NUS (First Class Honours). Mr JW’s home tuition students attended Hwa Chong Institution (Integrated Programme), CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), National Junior College, River Valley High School, and Victoria Junior College.
Mr GKH has 9 years of Geography tuition experience. He taught at a tuition centre for 6 years and is also a private tutor. Mr GKH has a Bachelor’s in Geography from NTU (Honours). His home tuition students attended Yusof Ishak Secondary School, Westwood Secondary School, Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary), Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Nanyang Junior College, and Dunman High School.
Mr IL has 8 years of Geography tuition experience. He has PhD in Geography (Environmental Science) from Cambridge University. His home tuition students attended Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Bowen Secondary School, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Raffles Institution, and St. Andrew’s Junior College.
Ms MA has 3 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Master’s and Bachelor’s from NUS, in Geography. Ms MA’s private tuition students attended Clementi Woods Secondary School, Geylang Methodist School (Secondary), Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Victoria Junior College, Jurong Pioneer Junior College, and Nanyang Junior College.
Mr HKL has 12 years of Geography tuition experience. He is NIE-trained and taught at MOE schools for 8 years. Mr HKL has a Bachelor’s from NTU, majoring in Geography and Urban Planning (Honours). His private tuition students attended Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Mayflower Secondary School, Tanjong Katong Girls’ School, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, National Junior College, and Victoria Junior College.
Ms WBP has 4 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s from NUS, majoring in Geography (Ecology and Ecosystems – Tropical Forest Ecology). Her private tuition students attended Jurongville Secondary School, Hwa Chong Institution (Integrated Programme), Marsiling Secondary School, Temasek Junior College, Catholic Junior College, and National Junior College.
Ms FTM has 11 years of Geography tuition experience. She was a contract teacher at 2 MOE schools for 4 years and also is a private tutor. Ms FTM has a Bachelor’s from NUS, majoring in Geography (Isotope Geochemistry). Her private tuition students attended Anglican High School, Beatty Secondary School, Geylang Methodist School (Secondary), Hwa Chong Institution (Integrated Programme), Jurong Pioneer Junior College, Yishun Innova Junior College, and Anglo-Chinese Junior College.
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The MOE states that students must:
- Select, organise and apply concepts, terms and facts learnt
- Make judgements, recommendations and decisions
- Evaluate data collection methods and suggest improvements”
Your Geography tuition teacher will clearly explain to you:
- Coasts – Should coastal environments matter
- Living with Tectonic Hazards – Risk or opportunity
- Variable Weather and Changing Climate – A continuing challenge
- Global Tourism – Is tourism the way to go
- Food Resources – Is technology a panacea for food shortage
- Health and Diseases – Are we more vulnerable than before
- Topographical Map Reading Skills
- Geographical Data and Techniques
- Geographical Investigations
- How and why are coastal environments different and dynamic
- Why are coastal areas valuable (Focus is on tropical coasts)
- How can we manage coastal areas in a sustainable manner
- Why are some areas more prone to tectonic hazards
- What landforms and associated tectonic phenomena are found at plate boundaries
- How do people prepare for and respond to earthquakes
- Why do different places experience different weather and climate
- What is happening to the Earth’s climate
- Is the weather becoming more extreme
- How does the nature of tourism vary from place to place
- Why has tourism become a global phenomenon
- Developing tourism at what cost
- How and why have food consumption patterns changed since the 1960s
- What are the trends and challenges in the production of food crops
- How can the problem of food shortage be addressed
- What are the global patterns of health and diseases
- What influences the spread and impact of infectious diseases
- How can we manage the current and future spread of infectious diseases
- Explain the different coastal processes
- Describe and explain the formation of cliffs, headlands, caves, arches, stacks and shore platforms
- Describe and explain the formation of bays, beaches, spits and tombolos
- Identify coastal landforms and features shown in topographical maps, photographs and sketches
- Draw and label a field sketch of a coastal area shown in a photograph
- Investigate how wave type influences beach profile and how longshore drift forms characteristic landforms
- Measure beach slope, beach materials, wave frequency and beach profile
- Analyse data and derive relationships between the following variables
- Wave steepness and beach slope
- Grain size and beach slope
- Calculate wave steepness using wave height and wave length data
- Plot and label beach profile
- Explain how the distinctive characteristics of coastal areas support a variety of human activities
- Fisheries
- Aquaculture
- Housing
- Transportation
- Tourism
- Recreation
- Describe the global distribution and characteristics of the coral reef ecosystem
- Explain the value of the coral reef ecosystem in the coastal environment
- Discuss the pressures that threaten the coral reef ecosystem
- Coral reefs
- Turbidity
- Habitat
- Coral bleaching
- Pressures
- Coastal development
- Describe the global distribution and characteristics of the mangrove ecosystem
- Explain the value of the mangrove ecosystem in the coastal environment
- Discuss the pressures that threaten the mangrove ecosystem
- Sediment supply
- Sheltered coastline resulting in low energy wave environment
- Habitat for marine creatures
- Stabilise shorelines by trapping sediments
- Identify the different kinds of human activities in coastal areas shown in maps, photographs and sketches
- Sustainable management of coastal areas
- Laws and regulations (e.g. Limit damaging activities, protect coastal resources, restrict development in areas prone to natural hazards)
- Soft engineering
- Beach nourishment
- Stabilising dunes
- Hard engineering
- Seawalls
- Tetrapods
- Gabions
- Groynes
- Breakwaters
- Internal structure of the Earth
- Layered structure
- Continental crust and oceanic crust
- Movement of tectonic plates driven by the pull of subducting plates and convection currents circulating within the mantle
- Slab-pull force
- Convection current
- Movement of tectonic plates driven by the pull of subducting plates
- Subduction zone
- Divergent boundary
- Convergent boundary
- Transform boundary
- Plate movements and associated landforms
- Divergent: Rift valleys and block mountains
- Convergent: Fold mountains
- Volcanoes
- Earthquakes
- Tsunamis
- Volcanic eruptions
- Caldera
- Magma chamber
- Shield volcano
- Stratovolcano
- Viscosity of lava
- Fold mountains
- Rift valley
- Shield volcano
- Stratovolcano
- Geothermal energy
- Vulcanicity
- Draw labelled diagrams to show the formation of a fold mountain, a rift valley, a block mountain and a volcano
- Explain the differences in relative humidity in different locations
- Explain the formation of convectional rain and relief rain
- Weather elements
- Continental effect
- Maritime effect
- Convectional rain
- Relief rain
- Precipitation
- Explain how coastal temperatures are moderated by land and sea breezes
- Explain the formation of monsoon winds
- Describe and explain the distribution and characteristics of equatorial, monsoon and cool temperate climates
- Marine west coast climate
- Diurnal range
- Prevailing wind
- Coriolis effect
- Pleistocene
- Holocene including the desiccation of pluvial lakes
- Effect of atmospheric circulation on tropical climates
- Re-distribution of surplus solar radiation by the Hadley Cell, including the convergence of trade winds at the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), and the resultant effects on atmospheric stability and rain formation
- Weakening of the Walker Circulation and the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon
- Fluvial processes: erosion, transportation and deposition
- Storm runoff generation: infiltration excess and saturation overland flow
- Variations in river channel morphology
- Factors affecting channel morphology: discharge and sediment regime
- Drainage density and channel patterns
- River equilibrium and longitudinal profile
- Rock cycle and rock types: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic
- Pressure release, thermal weathering, freeze-thaw and salt weathering
- Chemical weathering: hydrolysis, carbonation, solution, oxidation and reduction
- Soil forming processes: laterisation, salinisation and calcification
- Erosion by water: splash erosion, rainwash, rillwash
- Erosion by wind: deflation and abrasion
- Slope stability: factors that influence shear stress and shear strength
- Classification of mass movement processes: fall, slide, flow and heave
- Seasonal variations in wind direction: Asian and African monsoons
- Characteristics of flash and fluvial flood hydrographs: peak rainfall, baseflow, storm flow, peak discharge and lag time
- Soil erosion and sedimentation
- Disruption of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity
- Disruption of biogeochemical cycles
- Release of stored carbon
- Core-periphery model and dependency theory
- Socio-economic and environmental impact on home and host economies
- Classification of resources: perpetual, renewable, non-renewable and potential resources
- The ‘resource curse’ thesis: reasons for underperforming resource-rich countries
- Economic leakage due to the repatriation of revenue earned
- Exceptions to the ‘resource curse’: strategies to develop resource-rich countries
- Considerations when assigning ownership of water resources
- Ecological footprints of cities
- Urban metabolism: linear nature of production, consumption and disposal in cities
- Strategies to manage non-hazardous solid waste reasons for urban reimaging
- Strategies to mitigate the effects of pluvial floods
- Liveability of urban neighbourhoods
- Needs analysis of the elderly living in an urban neighbourhood
- Impact of urban imaging on urban dwellers
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